Australia fast becoming a top source of fintech funding
Australia fast becoming a top source of fintech funding
"Despite opportunities lost and having a relatively smaller fintech market than that of the US and the UK, Australia rema... Read more"
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"Despite opportunities lost and having a relatively smaller fintech market than that of the US and the UK, Australia rema... Read more"
According to Pitchbook, it looks like 2015 will close with nearly $8 billion worth of venture capital invested in finan... Read more"
In 2016 robo-advice is likely to become a channel that further expands the vertically integrated banking system in Austr...Read more"
"L’investissement dans le secteur aurait plus que triplé en 2014, à $12 milliards. S&P anticipe le double pour fin 2015.
- Pour l’heure, la concurrence des FinTech ne menace pas la qualité de crédit des banques. Elle sera toutefois plus sérieuse dans la décennie à venir. D’autres industries ont déjà été ébranlées par les évolutions technologiques et leur qualité de crédit a fini par en pâtir.
- Le secteur est source de croissance, car très peu réglementé et souvent générateur d’une meilleure « expérience client ». Jusqu’ici, les régulateurs..."
Lire la suite :
"My mother and father like the internet as much as the next person and enjoy surfing around, looking things up, reading the news, watching old music videos on Youtube as well as researching their next holiday.
However, they have never and won’t do any of their banking online. Moreover, they seldom buy anything online as they are worried about the security of it all.
Despite the extra effort involved, they prefer to do their banking in their local branch, which is a few miles away in a local town as they live in a semi-rural area.
Now, my parents..."
Ajoutée le 28 déc. 2015 ✓ Interview de Grégoire Dauge, fondateur d'ActiveSeed ► Découvrez ActiveSeed et reprenez le pouvoir sur votre épargne
Igal Rotem (Credorax) The MIT Enterprise Forum 22nd Annual Event