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#FINTECH 2016 From ‘Disruption’ to Redesign; As the Revolution Sparked by Crowdfunding Takes Hold

"2015 Was the Year  of Change

  • Crowdfunding became mainstream – in the sense that it was accepted as part of the ‘new normal’ and not a fad that’s going to fade away
  • In the USA the SEC finally, perhaps reluctantly, followed the Fintech leaders in allowing a limited form of equity Crowdfunding – the limitation will become more and more apparent from May as entrepreneurs actually try to use it and ‘feel the burn’ from all the friction
  • The UK’s regulator, the FCA, embraced the Innovation Unit I proposed and, a year on from it’s inauguration expanded it to create a ‘Regulatory Sandbox’ to support and encourage fintech and innovation

Danae Ringelmann GlazedThere can be little doubt that in the decade or so since Danae Ringelmann started work on what later became Indiegogo, Crowdfunding has..."

Lire la suite : http://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2016/01/79581-2016-from-disruption-to-redesign-as-the-revolution-sparked-by-crowdfunding-takes-hold/

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